Minggu, 17 Oktober 2021

【レビュー】Nintendo Switch有機ELモデル、モバイルユーザーには良いがテレビにつなぐならスキップしてもよい - TechCrunch Japan

Hello friends, and welcome back to Week in Review! Last week, we talked about Apple’s subscription addiction. This week, I’m diving deep into whether there’s actually any meaning to

Welcome to Startups Weekly, a fresh human-first take on this week’s startup news and trends. To get this in your inbox, subscribe here. This week, cryptocurrency exchange platform Coinbase announced

Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the weekly TechCrunch series that recaps the latest in mobile OS news, mobile applications and the overall app economy. The app industry continues to grow, with 

Hardware season is heading for a dramatic finale next week, with three events from three major companies, three days in a row. Apple, Google and Samsung (in that order) are all hosting big events next

Welcome back to The TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter for your weekend enjoyment.

Analogue’s much-anticipated Pocket retro gaming machine will come with more than just sleek design and the ability to play tons of classic games. The device will be the first with AnalogueOS on

Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines. Or, as in today’s episode, talk our way through some big br

There may be plenty of funding for some startups these days. But plenty of companies will tell you otherwise. VC Lab, an accelerator for venture capital firms, wants to create investors who will back

Hello friends and welcome to Daily Crunch, bringing you the most important startup, tech and venture capital news in a single package.

During the pandemic, we realized that we were swamped with work and there was an information overload. So we came up with an idea to fix that.

Netflix fired an employee who led the company’s trans employee resource group and planned a walkout on October 20, a current and former Netflix employee with knowledge of the situation confirmed

We are only in the first chapter of Latin America’s long journey to tech growth. But with the region’s thirst for innovation, the market is expected to expand nearly tenfold over the next decade.

We can’t check out every investing outfit’s demo day. But one event that we try to catch every year is that of Pear, which is held annually each fall and features (blessedly) just a dozen

Finding the right legal leader will have implications for your business down the line. It’s a move you want to get right from the very beginning.

A new research paper written by a team of academics and computer scientists from Spain and Austria has demonstrated that it’s possible to use Facebook’s targeting tools to deliver an ad ex

Climate in the last decade has been unprecedented in many ways, none of them good. Wildfires in California have consumed entire towns; thousands of miles away, New Yorkers inhale the ashes.

SiriusXM-owned Pandora is partnering with SoundCloud to launch “The Lookout by SoundCloud,” a new station available on Pandora that aims to showcase music from the “hip hop superstars of

A reminder for all you procrastinators, feet-draggers and last-minute decision makers. Today’s your last chance to shave $100 off the price of admission to TC Sessions: Space 2021 (December 14-15).

In emerging economies, where spending billions to build public transit infrastructure can be out of reach, startups are using technology to meet the mobility needs of a rising urban middle class. Swvl

Millions of people who are blind or visually impaired use a technology known as a screen reader to access the Web. However, few websites are coded to work properly with screen readers. Global web stan

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2021-10-17 02:31:53Z

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